
Over the past decade, we have gained a lot of experience in the practical application of QFD and systematic approaches, in a wide variety of organisations.
As a result of this, a lot of the materials that you might need to support your own implementation of systematic management approaches have already been created. To save you time and effort, these have been made available through this section of the website.
These will prove particularly useful to those who are endeavouring to make a practical application of the ideas on this website and/or in the book 'Managing by Design' (which can be read, free of charge, on line).
The material is provided ‘as-is’ in good faith. All of the materials provide a good platform for anybody who has read and understood the book, and who has a good working knowledge of Microsoft Office™, to adapt and develop to suit their particular situation. In addition, the author has made most of the diagrams in the book available through this section, to support training and communication activities.
The copyright for these materials rests with Tesseract Management Systems Ltd., but we would like you to make free use of them providing that you abide by the conditions in our general terms of use. The act of downloading these materials is taken to signify your acceptance of these conditions.
Please note: Tesseract Management Systems is not organised to provide technical support on these materials (it is not on our QFD!). We would however value any feedback of errors omissions and improvement ideas submitted by email. We cannot promise to reply individually to this feedback, or to respond immediately to requests for changes and additions, but we do appreciate the opportunity to develop this resource over time.
As part of this development, we would welcome suggestions for materials to include, or for practical tools that others may use in establishing a more systematic approach to management.
To access the materials, click on the highlighted text below (or if you have loaded site navigation, click in the expanded menu in the left-hand margin). The resources are arranged by:




Session Plans

Process Focused Resources

  Diagrams from the book






Problem Solving

In the publications section, they are also arranged by book section (with reference to 'Managing by Design')
The materials herein are freely available. Our principle is that we want companies to benefit from their own application of a systematic approach, and we hope that the materials in this site will inspire and support your thinking along this road.


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© Tesseract Management Systems Ltd 2003

Fast Perspectives:
(click below for an oversight)

The Big Picture

(New planning poster for the systematic approach)
Case studies of success: transforming organisational performance through QFD

Tesseract's approach to consultancy support
Managing by Design
- a handbook of
Systematic Mgt.

(purchase on line)
QFD: The mechanics explained

(click-through tutorial)
Excellence through systematic management: a brief overview of Tesseract's approach
Testimonials on systematic management