Visioning workshops

Perhaps the biggest threat to successful QFD, is failing to have a big enough ambition to make QFD and systematic processes essential. QFD is immensely powerful, but people don't see the need for change when the goal is so small that their old ways will probably get them there anyway.
However, organisations are often not used to thinking in terms of really big goals - it is difficult to simply suddenly turn off fifty-one and a half weeks of focussing on the needs of the current situation, in order to spend two days dreaming of distant, potentially inconceivable, possibilities.
And yet, failing to make this transition: places the organisation at risk of unforeseen developments in markets; wastes opportunities for advancement to competitors; and denies creativity the tension that it needs to really fly. Targets that the whole organisation can 'take in their stride' simply emphasise current practice. However, establishing a balance of stretch targets can transform current practice, and keep the organisation at the leading edge of its chosen market.
Our solution to this dilemma is a visioning workshop. A workshop held specifically to focus on possibilities and the questions "What if?" and "Why not?" Each workshop is tailored to the client's needs but includes:

Exercises to uncondition the mind & free it from current paradigms

Exploration of the needs and possibilities facing the organisation

Techniques to stretch the imagination of what could be possible

Prioritisation of areas for 'stretch' and creativity

Opportunities to begin to develop creative solutions

Agreement on what to take forward and how

The end result is an ambitious set of objectives, which the organisation will feel proud of achieving, but which are supported and underpinned by the determined commitment of the management team.
Materials to help you in developing your own visioning workshop can be found in the resources library.

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